64,000 seedlings planted
This winter marks the second year of planting our property. Dr Geoff Woodall prepared and direct-seeded a further 55 ha in the northern paddock, bringing the total planting area to approximately 115 ha. Over a two-week period, the newly ripped lines were hand-planted by Carbon Positive Australia, the Wheatbelt NRM Noongar Boodja Rangers, and volunteers from Bush Blocks Guardians. All seed for the project was collected from remnant bush on the property and included more than 27 native tree and shrub species with the seedlings were grown out at three local nurseries. In addition to the new area, some rows in the 2023 planting were infilled with seedlings to increase both density and biodiversity. We thanks Carbon Positive Australia for their wonderful continuing revegetation work, and for document and photos below: